
Relax and Reflect were to the two main verbs for le weekend. Of course, there was enough activity to ensure I didn't feel like doing much else. Saturday morning consisted of an hour and forty-three minutes of rowing and the afternoon was polished off with a wonderful three hour bike ride. Sunday morning started and proceeded to end mid afternoon after five hours and fourteen minutes of more cycling.

Today started with an hour recovery and it was most delightful even with all the detours, cars honking, poorly maintained bike paths, holes, and tight IT bands. There is something to be said for maintaining a positive outlook regardless the perspective grasped by the rest of the world around you.

When I have an important goal in mind I like to write down the pro's and con's of achieving this goal. Develop a methodology to approach the challenge, some scenario planning, and ultimately picture myself winning. However, what if you were imagine yourself failing at this goal? How would you want to be portrayed? Could you look yourself in the mirror and say I gave it my all? Would you be embarrassed to tell your friends that you failed? What if I fail? Is there something I can accomplish by failing? The concept of perspective is never lost by viewing a desired ideal from a lesser vantage point.

If I fail I promise to myself, friends, and family that the only reason is because the competition was better. It will not be because I didn't train hard enough, because I was lazy, because I didn't care, because I didn't like the weather, because when it was time to give a 100% I only gave 95%...

never ever
