Yesterday sucked. I don't know if it was the heat or a little less sleep than I hoped for but it was a little boring and I felt like just kickin it at home. It probably doesn't help that my position on the bike has been a little uncomfortable as of late. I just can't find a nice spot on my bike saddle. I tried swapping it out for a different one, which helped, but I'm sure I have some left over soreness from the first one. It has also been very warm here in PA and unlike Mass, the roads here are not shaded at all. You are in the sun mile after mile with open space around you. I feel like all I do is drink water, eat, and ride. But this is not entirely true, I have spent time with family, friends, and every night I sit outside to see more stars than I've ever seen in three years in Boston. So many stars! It's very pretty!
I was riding along yesterday and saw this on the road, one of the road workers must have gotten
bored, but it made me smile. Ok, off to run erronds with my sister (I have no car!) and then another ride this afternoon!
I was riding along yesterday and saw this on the road, one of the road workers must have gotten
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