You knew it had to come at some point. Belgium equals beer. No questions asked. I've put together a quick photo compilation of the beers I've enjoyed over the last month or so. It is a very common ideology that dark beers are better for cycling than blond beers. I'm sure they both affect performance but something about brown beers that is suppose to be better.
My favourite beers are of the variety of dark beers or "donker" in Dutch. They consist of brown beers and tend to be a little be sweeter than blonds.
Westmalle Dubble, so far my favourite.
La Chouffe, a Wallonian beer.
This is a Peach Lambic beer. Very sweet but tasty and enjoyable. If you are in the mood for a cola but want a beer this is probably you're best choice.
You drank more beer in your first month here than I do in a whole year. Damn !