Criterium Aalst. A small race held in the town of Aalst immediately following the tour de france. More or less a "promenade" of professional cyclists around a circuit until it gets dark. It's incredible to think that about 25 professional cyclists racing around a circuit could attract almost 70,000 people. Throw in some beer, a sprint finish under the lights, and you have an evening of fun. Don't forget the frituur stands scattered around the course as well. No sense in drinking a lot of beer if you can't enjoy some fries too :)

I think the photo to the left is of Mark Cavandish. I'm not sure though because it came out pretty funky. So while you can't make out the rider I do enjoy the pyschedalic effect.

Here Mark Cavandish is doing his usual post-race interview. Cavandish may have won but I would have rather seen Robbie Mcewen take it on the line. The racing seen was fun and I enjoyed some beers and hung out. I even managed to knock a friends glass out of his hands with my flailing Italian way of talking with my hands. Note to self: One hand holds the beer, the other goes in a pants packet. All this excitement was on Monday night. Tuesday was a new and we headed to the Ninove market to scoop out the scene. I picked up some new short-sleeve button up shirts but they are huge on me! They are mediums but I think they are for somebody with a normal body type. Not a monkey arms and no chest.

For lunch we headed to stad (city) Vilvoorde. Once there we drove over to a restaurant called
De drie Fonteinen. The terrace overlooks a beautiful garden and it was while sitting on the terrace I completely forgot where I was. I was comfortably slouching in my chair, legs extended out in front of me in a way that it feels no one part of your of your body is supporting the other. Perfect. My lunch arrived and I ordered steak. Though the steak I ordered was extra rare. Not even cooked. Steak tartar. I was a little disappointed though. The beef was good, not too fatty, but I would have liked a little more flavour. I think last time I had steak tartar there was a raw egg yolk mixed in. The yolk adds a feel to the beef in your mouth. I'm not complaining though, it was delicious and the atmosphere was fantastic. Nothing like sitting in the sun, taking in the colours and soft breeze while sucking face with your lover. At least that's what the couple sitting a few tables over must have been thinking because other than the sangria it was a make out session. Not sure if that is normal in Belgium (or Europe) but they seemed happy.

This is the view from the edge of the garden looking towards the terrace. The picture below is the view looking from the terrace out over the garden.

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