It's noon here, well actually almost one, and my day has been simple but very nice. The weather is starting to cool down a little bit and rain is expected today and maybe tomorrow. This morning I went for an easy ride and managed to find my way no problem. I'm not too worried about getting lost its just that in a small town like Ninove, English is still quite a foreign language, and naturally Flemish is still pretty foreign to me, though I do surprise myself sometimes when I am able to follow along (maybe others too).
First, team Herbalifes passed out some sweet new clothing! I have not had any new cycling gear in at least a year or two and I am very happy to wearing new bib shorts and jerseys :) All the way to the right is a windbreaker shell, the small white "socks" below are actually arm warmers that match to the jersey and the longer white "sock like" items are leg warmers. Naturally there is a jersey and a cycling shorts there as well.
The country roads in Belgium are not very wide and some of them make you feel as if you are riding in a paved ditch. A wall of agriculture to either side of you and from the front or back a speedy Belgian driver zipping along to their destination. Despite their ambitious disposition behind the wheel I've found them to be respectful (so far!). Driving in Belgium is no easy task, as compared to America where we have lots of space on the roads.
The pictures below are also from the morning training ride and I feel they really portray the region nicely. I am having dinner this evening with some family and then tomorrow is a big day, my first race on Belgium soil!
Have a great day!
PS: I can't believe I've only been here for three days!

The pictures below are also from the morning training ride and I feel they really portray the region nicely. I am having dinner this evening with some family and then tomorrow is a big day, my first race on Belgium soil!
Have a great day!
PS: I can't believe I've only been here for three days!
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