First off, I love the comments and the feedback! I was thinking to myself "I hope i inspire people to go do and see the world." Then I thought to myself "if it wasn't for all of my friends (aka the people who leave comments!) I wouldn't be nearly as inspired to find stuff to write about :)
Skype. I had no idea it was cheap. I've used it a few times to chat with other people but never to make calls. I called from my computer at .021 cents (that's USD kids) a minute to home in PA!
This is what it looks like on my computer and I can use it just like a telephone to dial a number. The microphone is on my pc and voila! Instant connection! I was also quite surprised of the phone quality. It sounded no worse than a cell phone and in fact it was probably better! I am much releived to have found a better way to stay in touch with the not so tech savy generation; anotherwords, mom and dad. Don't worry, I love you just the same :) Ok it's really late here (11:56pm) and thus it is time to go to bed.

Skype. I had no idea it was cheap. I've used it a few times to chat with other people but never to make calls. I called from my computer at .021 cents (that's USD kids) a minute to home in PA!
This is what it looks like on my computer and I can use it just like a telephone to dial a number. The microphone is on my pc and voila! Instant connection! I was also quite surprised of the phone quality. It sounded no worse than a cell phone and in fact it was probably better! I am much releived to have found a better way to stay in touch with the not so tech savy generation; anotherwords, mom and dad. Don't worry, I love you just the same :) Ok it's really late here (11:56pm) and thus it is time to go to bed.

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