Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday

Well I've said it before and I'll say it again...

If its Tuesday this must be Belgium! Tonight marks the end of the first seven days I've lived in Belgium. Strange to think its only been a week, it feels like at least a month already. Must be all the beer! Just kidding! Speaking of beer I went to the grocery store today and noticed the vast quantities of this flavoured beverage; Leffe indeed one of my favorites! Suddenly not such a hard find! I might need to set aside a few days to try all of this fine stuff!

I also have some pictures of where I live! (Finally I know!) As I'm waiting for the pictures to upload I can hear a few cows chatting away in the background. The rain is falling softly, and there are a few gusts of wind that allow the leafs to flutter away the moisture.

The living room and the backyard....


  1. Once you've acclimated to Leffe, see how you like Orval, oh and don't forget Westmalle! Just remember that when (if?) you move back to the US, all that stuff retails at about 3 times of what you're paying in the Motherland...
    In a somewhat feeble attempt to imitate you, Drew and I are doing 2 crits next weekend: Attleboro on Saturday and Wells on Sunday.
    Btw, I remember a FABULOUS dinner as we were watching the Tour of Flanders in that living room - don't get too fat :-)

  2. Not to shabby digs...what the heck enjoy the beer, you need the carbs..


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