I'm not much for first impressions but I think I pulled this one off (relating to the photo). It was so much fun visiting small stores filled with funny little things that you really never need, just want. I mean really, isn't that what life is about? Looking for things we didn't know we needed? Finding happiness in each little item as it rests randomly yet somehow conspicuously placed on shelves of retail outlets is just plain fun. I wonder if anyone actually buys anything in those stores though?

Downtown Kobenhavn! There is a lot of space there! I didn't find too much traffic in fact there was certainly more bike traffic than car traffic.

This is a random house I passed and there was something I was hoping to capture in the photo but I'm not sure if it came through. Something along the lines of modest and simple come to mind.

This is the view from my friend's apartment. Notice how green it is? I did! That was one aspect of the city that really shouted out at me. I really enjoyed the weather there too. The fall season is my favourite time of year. Belgium typically doesn't have summers that are really warm. However this year Flanders was toasty hot and I was relieved to be somewhere with some cloud
s and cooler weather. I think it was around 23 to 25 during the day and cooler at night.

Some sort of church is
Lund, Sweden. I should probably figure the name and be a intelligent tourist. Ok, before I even posted this I checked it out. This is Lund Cathedral in the photo left. If you are interested in more details visit

What is pink and fast? Me on girls bicycle in kobenhavn! I was digging it though. I like how I could swing my leg through the front rather than throwing it around from the back. Getting on and off was so much easier. It was equipped with three speeds. An easy gear and really hard gear and something in between. I think I used the in between gear once and really hard gear not at all. Although I was curious how fast I might have been able to go on it. I think something are better left to the imagination.

So much cheese! I didn't realize the Danes had such a thing for cheese. Perhaps more of Europe does too I just haven't see it yet. Yet. I like that word. It signifies potential and opportunity,
yet still requires action and planning.

So my friend and I were hanging out by a fountain/garden for a bit. Taking in the sounds of people walking by on the fine gravel footpath, the water spouting out from the mouths of frogs, and the pigeons and various birds that would make more than one trip to the top of fountain every few minutes. Strange.

We set in search of a
w.c. and eventually found one in a dark and completely desolate basement. This is the approach to what was starting to become a very weird walk to the toilet. Perhaps even making this a bit spookier is the outline of a person in the photo left. Weird. I found the sign signifing men and off I went. Around a quiet corner and I opened a door. Complete blackness. I took another step forward and suddenly the light came on. Motion sensor lights, sweet. There was still one more door to go through and as I opened it again the lights were off. The door behind me slammed close and I was stuck between the unknown darkness and old wood door. My next step was not the easiest step forward I've ever taken. One of those, small steps, with a giant lean forward to see what you can see. Still nothing but darkness. Another small step and suddenly the lights came on. Not very bright though. Barley enough to see what I was doing. The stall doors where from floor to ceiling and submarine like windows close to the top. I imagined someone floating around in there after they clogged the toilet. I couldn't help but think "isn't this how horror films start?" Thankfully I was in and out with the quickness and went to wait outside.

This is Nyhavn or
Nieuwe Haven in Nederlands. The neighborhood was busy with tourists, cafe dwellers, and shoppers alike. There is a photo that I would love to buy of this scene. I saw it in a gift store and for some reason hesitated. I should have just bought it, I'm tourist!

This pic is from Lund, Sweden. Sorry for the confusing order but I will admit the region had a certain feel to it that might someone to think they were in the same country. What would Sweden be without a Cinnamon roll. Which I apparently didn't eat properly. From what I understand the goal is start from the outside and follow the circle of dough until you reach the middle. So with one bite I was off to a bad start. There was no fixing my mistake unless I would buy another one so next time I know what I'm doing.

What would morning be without breakfast? On my last morning in the Big-K (kobenhavn) we went out to eat. We ordered the Mega Breakfast which came with a Croque Monsieur, brie, eggs, bacon, sausage, rook zalm er I mean smoked salmon, yogurt and fruit, watermelon, pannenkoek, and a tasty latte. Perfect.
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