After a wild night of partying and chasing around women it was off to another Elite race today in stad
Evergem Belzele.Today proved to be quite difficult with the thermometer touching 34c it was rip roaring fun. I actually felt quite good and because of that I rode like a hero. Closing gaps, solo efforts and just general non-sense. I'm strong but I'm dumb. I'm confident I could have finished today if I rode a bit smarter. Instead it was a quick 40km or so and I was dumped off to burn in the heat alone.

Sitting along side of the rode I thought about a few things today. One; if I'm going to ride to a friends house to meet him before we drive to the race I need to schedule more time. Today I rode a mere 18km to where I was to meet my ride and I think I managed to get in at least another 5 or 6km of just racing around like a madman. Swearing at myself and everything for being stupid and poorly planned. Needless to say I finally made it my friends house pissed, annoyed, and sweating like no other. Not a great way to start a race day. Two; I slept like absolute crap the night before. I must have woken up every hour or so because both of my elbows were throbbing, my left him has a huge bruise on it and my left knee is a bit swollen and tight. Did I also mention there was a freaking musquito flying around my ear for most of the night as well? I think I woke up pissed off and already wanted to go back to bed. Good thing I buried myself today in the race and then again on the my ride home.

This is all that is left from the peloton with 2 to go. The race starting thinning out fast after a few laps and I was one of them. Flat roads and fast dudes will do that. After I attempted to bridge a gap, which is no problem in the VVF racing, I was completley wasted. I was doing between 45 to 48km/u for a few minutes all by myself. The group behind me was happy to watch me die and the group in front could have cared less. When my brain said "relax and go back to the bunch" my legs said "keep going we don't know what else to do with ourselves." Then I got tired and I paniced. I knew the group behind was going to come by fast. I needed to refuel, I needed to drink, I was out of breath, I missed a line in a corner. I was a mess! I spilled my energy drink/gel thingy all over me and my bike and about four drops made onto my tongue. I was so pissed at the stupid container I was biting it with anger. That is when the group went by me and I couldn't figure it all out anymore. I should have just relaxed, found the group, caught my breath, and then taken a drink/eaten. Dumb me.

I did take this almost cool photo though of my bike and I. Almost cool because I'm almost in it. The one above is beter. Today would have been 18 ronden and 110km again. I almost rode that though between my warm up to my friends house, racing, and then home again. I gave it some gas on teh way home too. Figured I might as well ruin myself since I would have done the same in a race. Tomorrow is an easy day and so is Friday. So that means a few hours tomorrow and a few easy hours on Friday. Maybe race Sat but I think it is one with the Elites again on Sunday. Perhaps Monday too? My plan is to really keep the hammer down for the next week until my trip to Denmark. Then relax completely for a few days and come back flying. Literally and figuratively.
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