muddy water

Saturday, August 22

still randomly surfing the web with my computer. Checking in on the tour of Belgium and even checking out this dating website I joined. Yea, I'm a little embarrassed to admit but I keep thinking of ways to get myself out and involved with Belgians. Figuring who knows who I can meet, what I can see, etc. I really want to stay and I'm feeling my time here slipping away.

I have all my stuff for my race gathered on my bed and in one spot. I'm riding to the race today because it is pretty close to where I live. The stad name is Denderleeuw. I get ready sitting on the edge of my bed. I take off all of my clothes and sit there naked. I take a few deep breaths and start putting on my cycling gear. Staying seated as much as possible can really help keep your legs feeling strong. When we go to the Elite races every cyclist is sitting in a chair putting on their gear.

I finish by rubbing some warm up oil on my legs. Which I've noticed have become quite tan and I'm wondering how I will ever get rid of my tan lines. I was at a race on Wednesday with a friend he says to me "what's that?" "what's what?" I reply. "those there!" I say "those are tan lines." He laughs and says "O man, you are training too much!"

I fill my bottles and head out to my bike. Open the garage door and take a seat. I have my shoes, helmet, sunglasses, and a few bucks for sign in. I finish putting on my shoes and stuff (again seated).

I stand up, take two steps and grab my bike. We turn around together and ride out of the garage. A quick jab to the left and I press the button to close the door. I roll to the gate, open, and close as I roll through.

I'm starring at a map in Denderleeuw. I need to find Cafe Tunnel on some street that starts with a "k." I forgot the street (or straat in Dutch) name. I find it on the map, there are only a few streets along the main street.

I find the race and head towards the cafe. I set my bike outside along the sidewalk, amongst the crowd, and go to head inside. Then someone tells me sign in is across the street under the umbrella. Sweet, thanks. I walk over and the two ladies already know my name. I give the lady my birthdate, drieentweedig-negen-drieenachtig. I'm number 154 today. A lot of racers have come out. I find a shaded spot and have a seat.

I pinned my number on my jersey and I'm just resting waiting for the start. There is an old lady that keeps starring at me. Some guys says hello and just when I think I'm following what he is saying I'm clueless. Time for the old one liner; Ik sprekt engels, ik ben amerikan. An engelsman he says, nee nee, Amerikan. He doesn't say much more and I'm still feeling a bit weird from the old lady.

I have to pee. I roll to the start and find a spot to wait. Something comes to mind and for some reason I close my eyes and just sit there on my bike. Straddling the top tube, arms on the handlebar, chin in hand. I could take a nap right now. I quickly remember I'm not in correct starting gear. Ok, problem solved, back my nap.

I hear the whistle and we are off. A straight stretch of road, a sweeping right hand turn, then another straight. A quick right hand turn, WOW! A traffic thingy sticking out of the road. I almost nailed it. Thanks for pointing that one out, jerks. An easy incline and we are cruising along. I look up the road and two guys are already having a go at it. Nobody seems to care. The hill continues and gets a little flatter as the road gets narrower. We pop out into a cornfield, wind from the right, no the left, I don't know its windy. Hard right hand turn, lots of sand on the inside, a long downhill with a hard right at the bottom. More dirt along the sides of the ride. I hear lots of breaks squeaking. I hate braking. Especially with my current brakes. They don't have very good modulation. Sometimes they feel like they are on or off.

Well about that time. We go across a main road, left, short straight, left, short straight, right, left, short straight, right, straight, right, cross the finish line. Of course all that was with people diving to the inside to gain a few positions just to loose them. First lap and I come out of the final corner and watch the guy in front of me start to ride away. A few meters no big deal. A few more, really? Are we doing 5okm/u yet? I look down, nope 48km/u. I'm lazy and don't close the gap. I just ride keeping them in front, I'll catch them at the next corner.

I come out of a corner and go to sprint to close a gap. Now the peloton is split into two or three. I'm in the front group, sitting in the wheels. My chain pops off the big ring and for a split second I think I'm going over the bars again. Same problem as before.

I'm coasting waving the group by. I'm done. I'm not racing with this chain issue. I start soft pedaling back to the start. I'm going to collect my money for returning my number and head to the bike shop. If they are still open. I'm coasting down to the finish line and with skill manage to undo four baby pins and have my number in hand, and pins away, before I arrive at the sign in.

Finished? The lady says? Ya, ik heb een probleem met de ketling. Oke, alstublieft, dag! I'm riding home and hopefully to the bike shop.

I cruised back pretty quick but I my legs didn't feel tired. A guess a good sign. I roll up to a local bike shop and greet Gino (the owner). I've been here a few times in the last few days.

Gino: Hello
me: goedendag
Gino: fighting with a tubular tire
me: watching an interview with Tyler. His Dutch isn't bad.
Gino: ya (with a smile)
me: ik zou een neiuwe ketling kopen. Ik hep een probleem met de, de rotor plateau of de ketlig. Ik weet het neit. De, uh, ketling, uh, het (i make a motion and a sound) pops off when I pedal hard.
Gino: with a surprised face, "not good eh" he grabs my bike and takes a look. Ya, new chain, en dat, het is goed? (pointing at the cassette)
me: ya, het is oud maar ik denk het is goed
Gino: oke
me: hoeveel kost het? voor de ketling...
Gino: ummm, twenty eight euro
me: oke, achtentweetig, ya?
Gine: ya
me: is is possible for you to do it or for me?
Gino: ummm
me: bechripe jij?
Gino: nee
me: umm, doe het zelf of u?
Gino: it is the same for me, when?
me: is it possible tonight? vanavond?
Gino: a little hesitate but "ya, oke"
me: ok, I will return, uhhh, ik hep geen geld. I go and come back soon.
Gino: ok, no problem
me: tot straks eh
Gino: ya, tot straks
me: salutkus (I don't know how to spell it but it is salut with a dutch diminutive at the end. Sounds like "salut-kus")

I'm home, say hello, grab some cash and head back to the bike shop. I make a quick stop at the baker to see if they have any rice tarts.

me: goedendag
baker: goedendag
me: Er is geen rijstaartjes? (I didn't see any out)
baker: nee, something something, appletaartjes maar something deep freeze. Er is choco kookje?
me: ya, dat is goed, twee alstublieft.
baker: oke, alstubleift
me: I had her five euro
baker: nee, nee, more stuff I don't understand but I get the point. They are closing up and it will just get thrown out anyway.
me: echt waar?
baker: ya, ya
me: oke, dank u wel! daag eh!
baker: ya, bedankt eh, daag!

Rode back to see Gino. I had two chocolate croissant like things for him. I figured I might as well be nice and bring him something. He is helping me out last minute so why not. I asked if he wanted a beer but he just laughed. We chatted for a bit as he worked. A bit of Dutch a bit of English. He correct my dutch a few times but he knew what I was asking. He is married and has two daughters. 9 and 16 years old. He installed the new chain and double checked a few things. Made one adjustment to the front derailleur. I also showed him the rear wheel the bearings needed adjustment. He quickly pulled out a Mavic wheel tool and adjusted the rear wheel. All set. I recently bought a Selle Italia saddle there (23 euro) and he was saying it is too hard to ride on. I liked it, so he was happy. We chatted about racing tomorrow in Haaltert with the elites. Success, he says. We also found a loose crank bolt which may or may not have contributed to my problem.

I head home, a bet more relaxed that this chain problem should be over with. We will soon find out tomorrow. I enjoy some dinner. Pasta, naturally. Then I took a long bath, feel asleep in the tub. Stared out the window and really just tried to relax. Decompress a bit. Downloaded some new music by Basshunter and Seeed. Also remember a funny part from the new Transformers movie I saw last night. The twins in that movie are quite funny.
