So it wasn't until I was chatting with a lady from the NMBS (Belgium Rail) that I had put together my very own, incorrect, plan of getting home by train. I had already managed to find Gent. Other than taking one of the city trams the wrong direction, jumping off, and then returning the other direction to return to where I started. I had relative ease finding my way to Gent. I took a quick trip after class on Monday. Catching the 12:57 train to Denderleeuw was simple and I eventually found Gent. However I had a question on the ride home and I was so proud of the very short conversation I had with the train guy only to realize once we were stopped my plan had a fault. The conversation, in Dutch, which is maybe why I didn't get home so fast seemed reasonable. He questioned the train I was on but I laid out my plan before him; Gent Sint Pieters to Dendermonde to Ninove. I explained my plan and he seemed content. I think content with leaving me alone, not content with my plan. There were no more trains from Dendermonde to Ninove at that hour. What hour? It was approaching 10pm. For me it was just strange there were trains at all. I mean real trains too. Not tram cars but big trains running from city to city. My ticket to Gent was 5 euro 90.

I ended up taking the next train back one stop. Where the nearby freituur was still open. I'm not sure why but for some reason I had been less conscious about my money situation than normal. I was spending down to my last penny before I left Gent and had only 2 euro 20 with me. I ordered a "klein pak" of fries with mayo. I ended up canceling the mayo because it was 80 cents more. I thought the bill was going to be 2 euro but for some reason it was more. Apparently I overlooked something on the menu. The lady asked me where I was coming from and I explained how I took an journey that normally takes 1 hour and made it 3. I gave her all of my change and she handed me one of the most over stuffed klein paks I've ever had. Mayo and all. I changed the name of my blog about a week ago to
alstublieft. The word means "please" but it is also commonly used when giving something to someone, food in particularly. Order a cup of coffee, which comes on a small try with cream, sugar, and a kookie or chocolate, and when your coffee arrives the server hands you your coffee and says "alstublieft." Same with a beer, your dinner, etc. I've been offered a fantastic opportunity in life. Everytime someone says alstublieft it reminds me what others have done for me and to appreciate what is being placed in front of me. There is also some sort of a mini-roller coaster of emotions when someone says the "A" word. I love the coffee here, the food here is also really good. I think we might have a small situation of Pavlov's dog going on here. If you say the "A" word it is quite possible my salivary glands are already getting a head start in anticipation.

My train ride to Gent was awesome. The train had a first class above and the second class below. It didn't really cross my mind at first but I had gone straight up the top without thinking that I had only a 2e class ticket. After a few minutes I realized my error and was about to head downstairs but I couldn't help and just enjoy the view and how quiet it was. There was nobody else around and I had the entire top deck to myself. So I took a bit of chance and stayed upstairs. Not something I plan on taking advantage in the future. I didn't want to get to excited so that is why I'm not grinning ear to ear. I figured I would jinx myself!

I just have a few pics from the trip. The Korenmarkt in stad Gent. I visited with a friend for the afternoon. We did some walking around and a little shopping. He introduced me to some new book titles. Nothing I would have ever seeked on my own but I'm always open to read something new. We did some sitting outside on terraces and a little bit of people watching. We even hit up an Irish Pub, where they speak English! I enjoyed a Guinness or two :)

Today I headed out to complete the Markeroute. A cycling route through a part of Flanders. I rode all the way to Duex Acres and never found the route. What is the deal with not being able to find things? Am I dumb? Or is this a higher power making sure my experiences are never same. I mean really, someone has to shape life a little bit, but I got lost a lot. Maybe it is the simple, carefree way I go about finding a destination. I guess part of my appreciation of life is not the accomplishment of getting to the final end point but the sights and feelings along the way. I mean once you reach your end point where do you go? I don't plan well enough to always have a clear picture so I'm one for the journey. My favourite parts of a bike race is always the racing. Finishing to me is not a big deal (sure it's nice!). It is the all the attacks, counter attacks, narrow roads, fast turns, and chaos that I love. It is what makes my heart pump the hardest. Perhaps with that kind of mentality I will always be destined to be distracted along whatever path I choose.
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