Couldn't find it. It being a hill somewhere near Oodenaarde. I think I rode every cobblestone in the area but I couldn't find the few that I really wanted to tackle. Speaking of cobbles, I rode on some of the worst cobbles I've ridden on this year in/near the city of Mater (I think it was called). I just couldn't get a rhythm going and the spacing between the cobbles wasn't consistent so it was even more difficult. I also did the same 3000 meter section twice. Once down and once up. I swear I followed every sign that said "Ronde Van Vlaanderan" there was 80km signs, there was 114km signs, there was signs for route 40, route 41, and route 79 but I didn't see a single sign that said "koppenburg."

One hundred and sixteen kilometers later I arrived home. I was actually quite pumped even though I didn't find the hill on the horizon. I found the areas I rode to be quite nice and I did enjoy a few quite moments on some extremely desolate roads. I even stopped for a photo or two. Too bad I didn't have a higher pixel rate though, I the photos would have come out even nicer! I was reminded though just how pretty Flanders is and how much I'm going to miss the spell of cow poop and the jarring of the cement roads. All of the things that shaped me into the cyclist I am today. Constantly battling the wind, the rain, the cobbles, the steep climbs, and just trying to keep up with guys that are faster than me. I haven't earn the title of being a "hard man" but I'd do it all again in a heartbeat, no questions asked.
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