Idealism and New York Reality Collide in the Bike Lane
Ahh, the bike lane. Another common-sense initiative to turn New York into a little Copenhagen. If only the city bred people as courteous as Danes. If only we had a culture defined by a friendly homogeneity of purpose, a place where content commuters shared the street with neighbors, friends and distant cousins. (NY Times)Well I can certainly say we don't have any culture related to cycling unless you consider dodging S.U.V.s, trucks, and pedestrians, the true identity of the American Cyclist. Catch up on the article here. Bike lanes in the U.S. are painted spaces void of cyclists. More American drivers seek the bike lane as an attempt to escape the busy street when they need to park, turn, ask for directions, wait a minute, take a call on their gsm, walk their dog, go for a run, play soccer, put their garbage, and did I mention drive in as if it was part of the road?
This whole debate about cycling in the U.S. and in cities and the way in which this country "American" goes about creating networks of bike lanes and bike routes is ridiculous. There is a bike route in my town labeled with signs. Bicycle PA Route it is called and one might think that these street would be safe streets with bike lanes clearly marked and defined upon the road surface. Nope. No bike lanes, no markings, and certainly not safe roads. I do my best to avoid the so called "bike route" and by doing so I also maintain my life and sanity.
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