A few more beer pictures and an attempt to make on board video riding up the Muur. The beer pictures came out nice, the video up the Muur failed. I mounted my camera on the handlebar with a little bit of shock absorbing material in between but I don't think it was enough. The jarring of cobblestones ended up shaking the camera so much that the camera just started to sputter and shutoff.
Yesterday I spent most of the day sending out emails to US race teams. I've been contacting a few of my friends that work in the bike industry to also check for other leads. I'm not sure how it will go but it's a start. I've been thinking of how to create a racing resume (CV) but I'm not really sure how to go about the process. Especially since I don't really have any victory's to list, my best finish is just a 12th place in the Ternat kermiskoersen. I don't really feel that is much to speak off. I'm going to see what I can come up for today and keep pushing. I've also started to research Graduate programs in the Netherlands and Flanders. I even went as far as digging out a few research papers I wrote during college. Super exciting reads, I mean thrilling stuff! Who wouldn't want to read a paper comparing the asset allocation of participant directed retirement planes and equity market returns. Or how about Agency Theory verse Stewardship theory and which is model is better suited to serve as an underlying guide to corporate structure. On another note my new frame should be here today and I'm super pumped! I can't wait to rebuild my ride and get outside even though we had some rain this morning. I'll put up pics as soon as it is finished.
Have a great day/evening!
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