tot nu

It has been far too long since my last update! My apologizes to loyal readers and fans across the world. For a moment I'm sounding like a celebraty with millions of fans, well maybe more like three. I just finished enjoying a few Amstel lights and a Hoegaarden with a friend. My sister is a wonderful bar tender at a local cafe so naturally I like enjoy my Friday or Saturday nights there. Speaking of beer I'm very proud of my local supermarket for they have now starting stocking vast amounts of Belgian and Belgian sytle beers. Duvel, Chimay, Leffe, Maredsous and a few others. They even went as far as stocking the appropriate glasses too! Life is looking up all the time! I also recently saw construction starting for a new fietspad that will extend our existing network an additional 10 to 15km. Life is good!

I've also been employed for the last two weeks with a friend of mine doing some "consultant" type work. I put consultant in parentheses because I sort of feel like a consultant but I'm not that experienced. Pennsylvania is experiencing a recent growth trend with the discovery of mersalles gas wells. Mersalles is a type of shale rock and within this rock is natural gas. Just north of where I live is one of the largest areas of natural gas reserves in the continental U.S. and such there is a lot of new money coming to the area. I've been set in charge of developing the basis for a prospecting campaign to advertise the financial planning services of our firm. In the last week I've developed a list of a few hunderd people that are or will be receiving mineral royalties from the production of gas wells on their land. Our firm will be the first to develop such research and we're super excited to lead the way into this new market. I'm also super pumped because the style of work I'm performing is fun and I find myself doing work whenever I have time or think of an idea. I'm still spinning at once, but usually twice a day. About 20 to 30 minutes in the morning to get the heart rate going and then for 45 to 60 mins in the evening. This will sound a little sick to some cyclists but I'm happy to be back inside on my rollers. My workouts are specific and productive again and I love listening to music. Right now I have an Ipod full of Don Rimini remixes and I'm starting to gather an ear for Dj Tiesto. Which also reminds me I forgot to record todays Mish Mash (op StuBru) show. I might do that before I go to sleep or maybe tomorrow morning.

I've been super successful on the dating front as well, NOT! Good thing I'm married to my bicycle otherwise I'd have way too much free time on my hands to think about things like life and love. Both of which are fun but neither of which are common in my life. Which isn't all entirely true. I have a lot of of love for who I am, my family, and what I do. I think this leaves me with little to spread around to anyone else who is not a direct part of my family. Naturally there are friends (dare I almost say extended family!) in Flanders who also have a place in my heart and life. Well not to get too soft on anyone but its nearly 1:3oam and its time for me to get some rest.

tot later!
